
MX-252: Sasha vs Christian

Sasha (stats) squares off against Christian (stats) in a competitive match, a must watch for fans of real, close mixed matches. Sasha is tired of defeats in competitive mixed matches, and so is Christian. The two fighters go at it, but only one comes out on top. Is it time that Sasha finally breaks her losing streak in MX fights? The answer is…

Click here to read more about this match (SPOILER ALERT)

Match outline: introductory interviews, crowd predictions, staredown, the match itself (17 min), victory pose, concluding interviews.

Video stills from the match:

Note: no photos were taken during the match, thus only the video is available.

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1 Comment on "MX-252: Sasha vs Christian"

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Profile photo of wolfi-player
1 month 12 days ago

Interesting, exciting match.
