
MX-140: Sheena vs Viktor

In her last competitive mixed wrestling match filmed during her visit to Fight Pulse, this year’s wrestling sensation, Sheena (stats), squares off against our resident male wrestler, Viktor (stats).

The Hungarian powerhouse puts on a masterclass in wrestling against her young, strong opponent, using slick takedowns, spectacular sweeps, and great variety of pins and submissions. Viktor tries to use his strength to stop Sheena from advancing position and pinning or submitting him, but he seems like fish out of water against Sheena, as the latter shows complete dominance on the mats over her male opponent, outpacing, outwrestling, and sometimes even overpowering him. Sheena uses creative pins, scissorsholds, triangle chokes, and a fantastic lotus lock, a rare occurrence in real combat, to assert her undeniable physical superiority over Viktor on the mats.

MX-140 is an absolute must-see for fans of real, intense, yet one-sided mixed matches!

Match outline: introductory interviews, staredown, the match itself (19 minutes), victory pose (foot on face), concluding interviews.

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8 Comments on "MX-140: Sheena vs Viktor"

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Profile photo of mwd77
4 years 9 months ago

Sheena puts on a great performance in this competitive match against Viktor, controlling the action from the beginning until the end. Viktor is a strong and fit young man, but he is not as experienced in wrestling as Sheena is. And Sheena takes full advantage of her better experience to win this match, despite Viktor trying his best to defend himself in this matchup. While Viktor is able to escape from some of the holds that Sheena puts him in, she is relentless in going after him throughout this video, and she clearly keeps control and has him on defense… Read more »

Profile photo of Egon
4 years 9 months ago

Thanks for the detailed review ! It gives you a real good idea of the match and is helpful with regards to one`s purchase decision ! I was really surprised when I saw the picture of the lotus hold. Pulling that off in a competitive setting is something special…these crazy girls, man … and I LOVE `em 😀

Profile photo of mwd77
4 years 9 months ago

Hello Egon! You’re welcome! I am glad that you appreciate my review of this video. I actually have posted a bunch of reviews of the mixed matches, both competitive and non-competitive, on some of the videos that I’ve purchased on Fight Pulse. Check them out and let me know what you think! And of course, there will be more reviews coming as well, from other videos that I have already purchased and some more that I plan to purchase in the future too. And yes, the lotus lock hold surprised me as well. It is a very difficult hold to… Read more »

Profile photo of Egon
4 years 9 months ago

Nice ! Maybe I will stumble across some of your reviews. I will definitely check them out if I see them. I am glad that you plan to write reviews in the future aswell. They always give you an idea about the match and open up the chance for dialogue with other enthusiasts. And,yeah, I think everybody who loves strong women will be well off at Fight Pulse. To me it would be a dream wrestling against some of their lovely ladies. Maybe some time in the future when I have the chance to travel more, I will go to… Read more »

Profile photo of mwd77
4 years 9 months ago

Thanks! I am sure that you will find some of my reviews. I’ve written a bunch on here and as I said, there will definitely be more to come in the future. All of my reviews on are the mixed (female vs. male) matches, both non-competitive and competitive. I agree, that the reviews of others are helpful as to what they think of the videos, as well as the action in the matches, how the participants do and the reviewers opinion of them, ect. It’s always nice to chat with other enthusiasts as well and I have seen some of… Read more »

Profile photo of Egon
4 years 9 months ago

Thanks for the positive feedback ! :) I really love meeting people who are equally enthusiastic and willing to chat aswell, it’s a lot of fun. If you ever have an interesting question or topic you want to talk about regarding mixed wrestling just write me a personal message !

Profile photo of mwd77
4 years 9 months ago

You’re welcome! Thank you for your positive feedback as well. I agree completely. It’s always nice to chat with someone with the same interest in something. I will look for more of your reviews about videos from this site that I have also watched and will respond to them when I can, as well.

Profile photo of Egon
4 years 9 months ago

Good idea ! I will do the same ;D
