Akela atop Revana

FW-13: Akela vs Revana

FW-13 is a competitive female wrestling match between Akela and Revana. This is real wrestling, albeit one-sided, since Revana turned out to be too fragile and weak for Akela. Akela tosses her around like a toy, squeezes her to submission between her strong thighs, pins her down to the count of ten with little effort, absolutely (wo)manhandling Revana right up to the moment when she is standing triumphantly over the weaker wrestler’s prostrate body with her foot planted on her chest. Akela scores a total of 16 pins & submissions in this video, including headscissors, tight schoolgirl pins, grapevine pin, bodyscissor submissions, camel clutch and more. A must see for fans of Akela.

Match outline: introductory interviews, staredown, the match itself, victory pose (foot on chest), final interviews.

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Profile photo of Tom
5 years 11 months ago

This was one of the first Fight Pulse videos I saw (around the time of its release) and it’s still one of my favorites. It’s definitely a must-see for Akela and Revana fans. While Akela is obviously much better at wrestling today than she was at the time of this match, we still see a good variety of moves from her in this early fight. Akela is so dominant in this match that she just does whatever she wants, and it pretty much always works – including several beautiful schoolgirl pins (2 that are very high like in the 5th… Read more »
