
MX-152: Scarlett vs Marek

Scarlett (stats) and Marek (stats) battle for victory in this grueling, intense, competitive, mixed wrestling match!

Marek is one of the most difficult opponents for anyone, due to his defensive skills and impressive upper-body and grip strength. However, he is in over his head with a powerhouse like Scarlett. Scarlett overwhelms and controls his body almost the entirety of the match. But Marek is good at avoiding pins or submissions.

This match does not have fancy holds, but is very fierce and at times emotional, and ends with an intense victory pose where the winner takes out their frustration by stepping heavily on the loser’s throat, saying “I told you I will win!”

Match outline: introductory interviews, staredown, the match itself (19 minutes), victory pose (foot on chest, neck, then face), concluding interviews.

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1 Comment on "MX-152: Scarlett vs Marek"

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Profile photo of Egon
4 years 10 months ago

This is a match,which shows its primary appeal in the sheer intensity that it contains. It is a real battle between a man and a woman and it has something sensual about it, seeing them both passionatly struggling. For the powerful and lovely Scarlett it is the struggle of converting her superiority into a win and for Marek it is a straight battle for survival inside the fangs of a very strong and dangerous beauty. Scarlett shows her incredible strength by ragdolling Marek like a little boy, which is always so impressive and arousing to see her do to a… Read more »
