
MX-157: Rage vs Frank IV

Rage (stats) vs Frank (stats) IV is the 4th chapter of the biggest intergender rivalry in Fight Pulse history. It is the most emotional and personal fight of them all. It is competitive, dynamic, aggressive, and an absolute must-see for all Fight Pulse fans!

If you haven’t followed this rivalry, consider checking out the first 3 fights first (MX-94, MX-103 & MX-127), as it will give this encounter context and explain its intensity. Below is a short summary.

In 2017 Frank won two fights in a row against Rage, proving to be too difficult of a challenge for the feisty newcomer. Late 2017 Rage started sessioning as well as training, eventually becoming one of the best wrestlers at Fight Pulse within only a year. She won the rematch with Jane to become the new lightweight champion in 2018, and she beat Frank in a devastating fashion in their third match. But regardless of how decisively Rage beat him, Frank was ahead on the scorecard, with 2 victories against Rage’s 1. Frank’s excuse after MX-127 was that he was coming off a long lay-off caused by health issues and wasn’t in good shape. He also said during that post-match interview that he would beat her in 5 months. Here’s the clip:

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This match takes place exactly 5 months later.

MX-157 starts with an audience poll, with all audience members predicting that Rage will win. Frank, clearly annoyed, says in response “you just wait.” He is facing a person who showed little empathy towards him by dominating him both physically and mentally last year, the same person whom he was able to beat twice in the past. This is without question the most personal fight for Frank that he ever had at Fight Pulse, which is also clear from the words that are said both during and after the fight that cannot be unsaid. Only paid for.

Stakes are not small for Rage either. She is behind on the overall scorecard and has to get even. But she is confident, being able to dominate Frank the last time they met, and she stares Frank down during the staredown, clearly certain of her victory.

Can Rage even the score by beating Frank again? Or was Frank’s excuse proper, and he will put an end to this rivalry? Skip the spoiler section and preview photos below to remain unaware of the outcome of this match.

Click here to read more about this match (possible spoilers)

Note: we have launched a forum based on popular demand. If you wish, you can discuss this match with other Fight Pulse users in this thread: Rage vs Frank IV.

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1 Comment on "MX-157: Rage vs Frank IV"

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Profile photo of Egon
5 years 25 days ago

Wow ! What a match ! One really can see how bad both of these competitors wanted to win, it was personal. Super intense encounter and ultimately competititve. Frank has some serious skills that he can generally show very well because of his speed,agility and athleticism. But man, what can I say ? Rage is just a level above him and also simply stronger than him. He does manage to make it intense and cause minor trouble for Rage. But on the whole she is just too good and strong for him to get close to a sub or pin.… Read more »
