
MX-186: Roxy vs Luke

The feisty newcomer, Roxy (stats), squares off against Luke (stats) in her first ever competitive mixed wrestling match! Can she defeat her bigger male opponent, or is it too soon for her?

Click here to read more about this match (possible spoilers)

Match outline: introductory interviews, staredown, the match itself (18 minutes), victory pose (foot on face), concluding interviews.

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10 Comments on "MX-186: Roxy vs Luke"

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Profile photo of Egon
4 years 5 months ago

I knew it, I knew it ! I always had the feeling that this new girl Roxy would be an absolute queen on the mats and an incredible addition to the roster especially when I heard that she has a Judo background because Judo Girls are just automatically awesome to me plus it is one hell of a martial art ! I just watched the match and immediately had to write a review on it because this was one of the best things I have seen in some time :) Roxy is just an incredible grappler and a wonderful young… Read more »

4 years 5 months ago

I have to agree with Egon – best i have seen in some. I also wish subtitles were includes to understand all that Roxy was saying as she dominated a larger man who was visibly going 110%. Want to see more of Roxy and hope to see her expand her arsenal to include more submissions holds. Adding just a little BJJ to her skill set would have seen this score even more lopsided in her favor. While I like to see the women win in competitive matches, I would like to see Roxy lose once, only to see just how… Read more »

Profile photo of Egon
4 years 5 months ago

I really like the love this video is getting ! It is really phenominal. I do have to say that there are alot of FP videos that deserve alot more attention aswell ! I agree with you about the arsenal and BJJ but I actually love to see her win by just her raw strength and Judo skills instead of implementing more BJJ because it creates someting more special since BJJ is more or less the standard nowadays so I would really love to see her keep that uniqueness but I understand your statement. With the guys it would really… Read more »

4 years 5 months ago

I see your point and don’t disagree. Maybe a pins only match with Steve then one with pins and submissions to see how big a difference it would make. Win or lose she would give him a crazy fight and I bet would score some points. Win or lose those would be great videos.

Profile photo of Egon
4 years 5 months ago

Absolutely ! I would be more than hyped for these videos. But Steve is unfortunately not active for FP right now as far as I know :(

4 years 5 months ago

Roxy is to me the most sensational wrestler on this site. She gives 15 kilos to Luke and is quite a newcomer (except for her judo training which of course is a big thing), but she beats him up and lets him no chance. Luke really tries his best but is dominated from beginning to the end. She is just a far superior fighter to him and a man should not try to find any excuse when defeated and humiliated this way in a fair fight. i felt a little sorry at the end as he was exhausted and in… Read more »

Profile photo of Egon
4 years 5 months ago

Absolutely ! This video is making heads spin out there and it is getting the feedback it deseves ! Truly exciting and as always but especially distinct here a testament to female power that is really humbling and beautiful at the same time ! :)

4 years 5 months ago

Exactly. She dominates him by such a margin that it makes me wonder about all the “stronger sex” theory. He really looked like the helpless one.

Profile photo of ger81948
4 years 4 months ago

I agree Frank. I think a lot of these smaller women have ended the \”stronger sex\” theory. Luke has lost to quite a few small women but he\’s experienced now and should have handled a smaller woman. But Roxy is just flat out stronger, period. I do hope that captions in English start showing up on FP. It would really make things that much more interesting. Luke has lost to Foxy and Calipso which were supposed to be competitive matches but who really knows. He seemed to be trying. There was no doubt he was giving his all against Roxy… Read more »

4 years 4 months ago

Yes exactly. We now see these much smaller women dominating routinely men, which in theory should have no problem using their “superior male strength”. There are always excuses like the girl being better trained or experienced. But we have now enough statistics to state that the girls are outwrestling the guys, often in a very humiliating way. Luke is 15 kg heavier, has more training and more experien-ce… but he was no match to Roxy.May be she should go against much bigger men (80-100 kg). I wouldn´t be surprised she kicks their ass too. Lia Labowe has defeated dozens of… Read more »
