
MX-220: Leona vs Duncan

Please welcome Leona (stats)! A tall, feisty athlete, destined to shine in 2021, with an amazing debut. Watch her.

For her first match, Leona chose a competitive fight herself, instead of the common NC match debut that we do in order to get used to holds. The fearless newcomer tried Duncan (stats)’s strength during training before the shoot and decided that she could beat him in a real match.

Click here to read more about this match (possible spoilers)

MX-220 is an absolute blast if you love competitive mixed wrestling that is not 100% one-sided, but still ends in a well-deserved, decisive victory, achieved through sweat, tenacity and intellect.

Match outline: introductory interviews, staredown, the match itself (20 minutes), victory pose (foot on chest, then on face), concluding interviews, interview with audience.

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Profile photo of Ringo
7 months 13 days ago

Despite her lack of experience Leona is the smarter, and better wrestler, demonstrating her ability to counter Duncan’s attacks. She uses her skills to easily put Duncan in submission holds. Duncan does have his moments, gaining submissions and the match is very intense and demanding for both wrestlers. They are both sweating profusely at the end of the match, but Duncan is in far worst shape, breathing heavily and red in the face. He is left completely exhausted and his strength is depleted while his superior opponent is still very much able to continue.
