
NC-188: Coralyn vs Luke

Please welcome Coralyn (stats), a feisty newcomer who loves tight schoolgirl pins! In her Fight Pulse debut she is pitted against Luke (stats) in a semi-competitive mixed wrestling match.

Coralyn has very good pinning instinct and, despite having only 90 minutes of training before the shoot, this video is full of well-applied, tight, neck-straddling schoolgirl pins, reverse schoolgirl pins and cross-body pins. Keep an eye out for the first successful schoolgirl pin by Coralyn, who is ecstatic as the pin is called.

There are 20 points scored in total in this match, mostly coming from pins, but also from body and headscissor submissions.

If you enjoy back and forth matches that are eventually won decisively by the female wrestler, especially if you like pindowns in mixed wrestling, you will love NC-188!

Match outline: introductory interviews, staredown, the match itself (20 minutes), victory pose (foot on chest), concluding interviews.

Note: this match was set up and filmed as a competitive match, but upon review labeled as semi-competitive. Luke does try his best during some parts of the match, but often isn’t committed to winning it, which is the reason this is categorized as NC.

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