
NC-88: Foxy vs Luke (full HD download option added)

Dear Fans and Subscribers, please welcome to the mats our newest wrestler, Foxy (stats)! She is feisty, quick and enjoys physical competition! In her debut mixed wrestling match, Foxy is pitted against Luke (stats).

This semi-competitive match is full of action. Despite having only an hour of training prior to her first match, Foxy already displays a good understanding of wrestling, especially of using her weight to immobilize and stay on top of the opponent. While due to lack of experience she still has trouble with holds like reverse figure-4 headscissors, Foxy pulls off other advanced holds, such as camel clutch and reverse headsit.

Foxy controls the entirety of the match, dominating her opponent with genuine satisfaction, scoring over 15 points via pindowns, facesitting, front and reverse headscissors, bodyscissors, camel clutch and other holds. NC-88 is a very promising debut by the lightweight newcomer that will delight fans of one-sided mixed wrestling.

Match outline: introductory interviews, staredown, the match itself (23 minutes), victory pose (foot on chest, then foot on face), concluding interviews.

NOTE: As a result of the recent poll that showed that over 40% of our customers are not satisfied with 720p HD quality, this is our first release that comes with an addition full HD (1080p) download option within the product. There is no additional thing you need to do to obtain the full HD version. When you purchase the video product, like you usually do, you will now be presented with 2 download links – the usual 720p version, and the new full HD version – so that you can click on and download the one you prefer. The decision to add full HD download option to future releases is not final yet. This change will not affect video price. We will not remove or replace the usual 720p HD video option, as it is still the most preferred resolution by customers.

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2 Comments on "NC-88: Foxy vs Luke (full HD download option added)"

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7 years 27 days ago

This one is Foxy’s first wrestling match on camera ever, so normally I wouldn’t buy it, but the description, the pictures and the customer’s comment convienced me otherwise and I did not regret it. Foxy was a bit uncomfortable during the intro interview and…that was all. From that point on, it was as if she had been shooting videos for months, if not years. She brought in an amazing mixture of competitive spirit and eroticism. She enjoyed being close and personal with a guy and during one particular facesitting she really really got into it and did nothing to hide… Read more »

Profile photo of ger81948
7 years 1 month ago

Foxy is my new favorite Fight Pulse wrestler. Wow! I wasn’t expecting so much from a girl that trained for an hour before this match. You never know with Luke whether he’s giving everything he has or not. It didn’t matter. She destroyed him and by the end of the match he couldn’t defend himself from her speed, strength and attitude. I say attitude because she looks really excited to be beating this much bigger guy with much more experience. She makes up in enthusiasm what she lacks in experience. She seemed a little wary at first, but once she… Read more »
