VeVe Lane vs Diana staredown

FW-09: VeVe Lane vs Diana (BJJ vs Judo)

For the first time in underground wrestling a BJJ expert faces a judoka in a competitive submission wrestling match. In this interdisciplinary match-up BJJ purple belt VeVe Lane is pitted against Diana, a black belt in Judo. The display of technical skill from both opponents is outstanding. Skip this match if you like quick submissions and one-sided matches. However, if you like watching two beautiful ladies, experts in two different martial arts, display their top-notch grappling skills in an absolutely competitive and extremely close match, long exhaustive attempts to gain advantage, escapes from excruciating and seemingly inescapable holds, then you don’t want to miss this video. VeVe and Diana talk about differences between their disciplines in the interviews before and after the match. In the closing interview the opponents analyze the various holds and remark on different moments of the match, as well as talk about how their background affected the match, and ultimately, the outcome.

Rules are pins & submissions only. Leglocks and heel hooks are not allowed. Opponents start from their knees.

Match outline: introductory interviews (3 mins), staredown, the match itself (16 mins), closing interviews (7 mins).

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1 Comment on "FW-09: VeVe Lane vs Diana (BJJ vs Judo)"

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Tom Stretch
8 years 11 months ago

Really good match and pretty even before Ve-Ve starts to get the better of Diana and finishes far stronger. A few more minutes would have given Ve-Ve a bigger victory. Both ladies clearly skilled combatants, well done to Diana and Ve-Ve. Well worth buying the whole download
