
MX-102: Diana vs Luke (domination rules)

In our first competitive domination-rules match in almost 2 years, the middleweight powerhouse, Diana (stats), is pitted against Luke (stats).

For the convenience of those who are not familiar with this ruleset, here’s the description: under the “domination rules” ruleset only facesitting pins or submissions, foot on face pins, and foot choke submissions are allowed and counted towards the score. The scoring system is as per normal Fight Pulse rules, however pindown positions and submissions are limited to the following holds:
– foot on face (pindown count)
– foot choke (submission)
– face in crotch (pindown count)
– crotch on face (smother submission – usually from facesitting and sometimes from reverse figure-4 scissors)

Domination rules is one of the most popular rulesets at Fight Pulse for mixed wrestling matches. The infrequency of such releases is due to the fact that in order to hold a competitive match under this ruleset, so that one of the wrestlers can force their opponent into positions and holds listed above, the difference in strength and skillset between the wrestlers has to be significant. And such is absolutely the case with Diana and Luke.

Diana overpowers, subdues and completely dominates the match scoring over 15 points on her male opponent using various forms of foot on face holds, foot chokes and front and reverse facesitting positions, despite him doing his best to fight back. The way Diana is able to immobilize and subject Luke to such humiliating holds is absolutely fascinating to watch. How often do you see a forced throat-treading submission in a competitive mixed wrestling match? This is without a doubt Diana’s most dominant performance at Fight Pulse to date.

If you love when a female completely crushes her male opponent in a competitive setting, who is fighting his heart out, in a humiliating manner, MX-102 is for you!

Match outline: staredown, the match itself (22 minutes), victory pose (facesitting, then foot on face).

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Profile photo of mwd77
6 years 4 months ago

I recently purchased this video and was extremely impressed by Diana in this match. I was not expecting her to score so many points in this match, given that it is a domination rules match which allows less holds/positions/pins to be counted as a point, as opposed to a regular pins and submissions match which allows much more to be counted for points. I had previously purchased a Diana video, a mixed match of the more open pins and submissions style, and she did very well, winning decisively, so I knew going into this video that Diana is a skilled… Read more »
