In the second installment of the popular “Seat of Power”, after defeating him in a real match the same day, Zoe (stats) straddles Frank (stats)’s neck and chokes him into submission repeatedly for half an hour while mocking him, slapping, hand-smothering him, and flexing. NC-181 is a must-see video for fans of tight schoolgirl pins and pubis chokes!
As per the ruleset, it starts with a schoolgirl-pin only scoring match, but quickly turns into a pubis-choke onslaught, as Zoe assumes her seat of power, astride her male victim’s throat. She proceeds to torment him by sitting heavily on his neck and choking him with her crotch for over 20 more minutes, concluding it with lengthy facesitting.
If you enjoy schoolgirl pins and pubis chokes in mixed wrestling, you will love NC-181!
Match outline: staredown, the match itself (28 minutes), victory pose (facesitting, then foot on face).
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1 Comment on "NC-181: The Seat of Power II"
I absolutely love these matches and outfits, more of this style please! Be great if Seat of power was a series with each of the wrestlers doing it.