
Upcoming release information archive for Jan-Mar/2020

This page contains a portion of the archive of release information. For actual upcoming releases, please check the main page: Upcoming Releases. For complete list of archives, please visit this page: Archive of Upcoming Releases.

Releases made in Jan-Mar/2020:


Title: FW-146 Black Venus vs Diana Release date: 31/Mar/2020
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Two of the most-skilled session wrestlers of the world go at it to find out the best. A must-watch for fans of technical, explosive female wrestling.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-03-05 16:30:00
End date 2020-03-31 21:05:37
Poll Results:
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Title: MX-196 Mia vs Luke Release date: 29/Mar/2020 (+1)
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
A spectacular competitive mixed wrestling between Mia and Luke.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-03-05 16:30:00
End date 2020-03-29 21:25:08
Poll Results:
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Title: MX-195 Pamela vs Peter (onslaught) Release date: 27/Mar/2020 (+1)
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Onslaught
Pamela destroys Peter in this real mixed onslaught, one of 2020’s must-watch MX titles!
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-03-05 16:30:00
End date 2020-03-28 00:26:38
Poll Results:
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Title: FW-145 Foxy vs Kornelia Release date: 24/Mar/2020
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Two smaller featherweights (new weight classes coming soon) battle it out to find out the better wrestler!
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-03-05 16:30:00
End date 2020-03-24 20:08:06
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: MX-194 Sheena vs Mike Release date: 22/Mar/2020 (+1)
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Would you like to see a woman throw around a 98 kg (216 lb) man like he weighs nothing, and lift him overhead after destroying him in competitive wrestling?
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-03-05 16:30:00
End date 2020-03-22 22:24:22
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: FW-144 Axa Jay vs Lucrecia Release date: 20/Mar/2020 (+1)
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
An intense, competitive, interdivisional encounter between two powerful women. A must-watch for fans of closely contested matches with a razor-sharp victory.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-03-05 16:30:00
End date 2020-03-20 19:28:24
Poll Results:
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Title: MX-193 Gloria vs Renato (onslaught finish) Release date: 17/Mar/2020
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions (Onslaught Finish)
The middleweight powerhouse, Gloria, displays just how much stronger and better she is at every facet of wrestling than Renato (stats), whom she also outweighs by 14 kg (30 lb).
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-03-05 16:30:00
End date 2020-03-17 22:13:41
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: FW-143 Akela vs Roxy Release date: 14/Mar/2020
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Roxy rises through the lightweight rankings, challenging Akela in this must-watch, competitive F/F battle. Is the Roxy hype real? Or will it be derailed between Akela’s powerful legs? It’s time to find out.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-03-05 16:30:00
End date 2020-03-14 23:28:06
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: FW-142 Black Venus vs Revana (onslaught) Release date: 13/Mar/2020 (+1)
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Onslaught
Black Venus dominates Revana in a competitive onslaught setting. A must-watch video for all fans of real F/F domination and humiliation and of powerful women controlling and degrading weaker women.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-03-05 16:30:00
End date 2020-03-13 21:01:12
Poll Results:
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Title: NC-197 Molly vs Frank Release date: 10/Mar/2020
Type: Non-competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Please welcome Molly (stats)! She is feisty, competitive, and a must-watch newcomer!
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-03-05 16:30:00
End date 2020-03-10 23:06:05
Poll Results:
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Title: FW-141 Bianca vs Virginia Release date: 07/Mar/2020 (+2)
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
A must-watch for fans of real, one-sided, female wrestling!
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-03-07 20:25:25
Poll Results:
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Title: MX-192 Viktoria vs Luke Release date: 05/Mar/2020 (+2)
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
The Hungarian legend is back to competitive mixed action in this spectacular fight against Fight Pulse regular, Luke (stats)!
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-03-05 20:57:34
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: NC Bowe Cats vs Karel Release date: 03/Mar/2020 (+4)
Type: Non-competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Onslaught
Close friends, Lia Labowe (stats) and Ashley Wildcat (stats), aka the Bowe Cats, team up against Karel (stats), resulting in a ruthless onslaught, one of the Fight Pulse regular’s most painful and degrading experiences ever.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-03-04 00:19:25
Poll Results:
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Title: FW-140 Zoe vs Virginia Release date: 27/Feb/2020
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Our third release from the live event features fan favorite, Zoe (stats), against Virginia (stats), in a one-sided, emotional, humiliating encounter. One of Zoe’s ruthless victories over females, and in front of a crowd.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-02-27 22:13:53
Poll Results:
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Title: MX-191 Lucrecia vs Mike Release date: 25/Feb/2020
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
A rare, competitive, mixed, heavyweight match-up. However, Mike is no match for the Czech Amazon, Lucrecia (stats), as she beats her nonathletic male opponent decisively and mercilessly.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-02-25 22:23:09
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: NC-195 Vanessa vs Frank (onslaught) Release date: 22/Feb/2020
Type: Non-competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Onslaught
Vanessa (stats) shows her dominant personality in an onslaught-style match.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-02-22 22:42:16
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: FW-139 Lia Labowe vs Sasha (smother rules) Release date: 21/Feb/2020 (+1)
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Smother Rules
A must-watch for fans of competitive, but ultimately one-sided F/F smother-rules matches! Sasha is no match for her bigger, stronger, more experienced opponent.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-02-22 18:40:01
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: NC-194 Rage vs Karel (onslaught) Release date: 18/Feb/2020
Type: Non-competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Onslaught
Rage’s onslaught on Karel is a must-watch for all Rage fans as well as fans of the onslaught genre.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-02-19 00:14:18
Poll Results:
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Title: FW-138 Pamela vs Laila Release date: 17/Feb/2020 (+2)
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Pamela (stats) and Laila (stats) square off to determine who’s the better fighter.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-02-17 20:31:18
Poll Results:
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Title: FW-137 Mia vs Roxy Release date: 13/Feb/2020
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Mia (stats) returns to Fight Pulse! Her comeback fight is against the exuberant rising star, Roxy (stats)!
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-02-13 21:54:32
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: FW-136 Sasha vs Kornelia Release date: 12/Feb/2020(+1)
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
The newcomer, Kornelia (stats)’s first real challenge at Fight Pulse is Sasha (stats).
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-02-12 23:32:01
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: MX-190 Sheena vs Luke (domination rules) Release date: 11/Feb/2020 (+1)
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Domination Rules
An absolute, undeniable physical and mental dominance of a female athlete over an average guy. One of the best videos in the competitive domination-rules genre.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2020-01-20 17:30:00
End date 2020-02-12 00:02:11
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: MX-189 Black Venus & Sasha vs Andreas & Luke (tag-team) Release date: 10/Feb/2020 (+5)
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions (Tag Team)
2 women and 2 men square off in our first ever tag-team match. This was a spectacular, chaotic, experience, and is a must watch for all Fight Pulse fans.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-02-10 23:47:00
Poll Results:
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Title: MX-188 Gloria vs Mike Release date: 04/Feb/2020
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
An interesting, one-sided, competitive mixed match, featuring the rising star, Gloria (stats), against a much larger, but much slower man.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-02-04 22:02:04
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: NC-193 Akela vs Andreas (onslaught) Release date: 02/Feb/2020 (+1)
Type: Non-competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Onslaught
One of Akela’s best onslaughts, if not the best. An absolute must-watch for all Akela fans!
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-02-02 21:19:16
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: MX-187 Lucrecia vs Renato (onslaught) Release date: 31/Jan/2020 (+1)
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
We have used this phrase several times, but nothing comes close – this is probably the biggest mismatch in Fight Pulse history. Big, powerful Lucrecia (stats), wrestles Renato (stats), who is literally two times smaller, and has limited experience on the mats.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-31 23:31:07
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: MX-186 Roxy vs Luke Release date: 29/Jan/2020 (+1)
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
The feisty newcomer, Roxy (stats), squares off against Luke (stats) in her first ever competitive mixed wrestling match. Can she defeat him, or is it too soon for her?
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-29 23:44:40
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: FW-135 Axa Jay vs Bianca Release date: 28/Jan/2020 (+3)
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
In one of the highlights of the “500” event, the legendary English warrioress, Axa Jay (stats), squares off against the rising star of the scene, Italian hurricane of a fighter, Bianca (stats), in an intense, competitive match.
This is the second individual release of the November event. Bundles of all videos filmed at the event are here.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-28 19:15:39
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: MX-185 Zoe vs Andreas II Release date: 23/Jan/2020
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Zoe (stats) and Andreas (stats) square off again, 3 years after their first match which ended in a draw, to find out who is truly the better fighter.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-23 23:19:04
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: FW-134 Viktoria vs Sasha Release date: 21/Jan/2020
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Viktoria (stats), the legendary Hungarian Amazon, is back!
This is the first individual release of the November event. Bundles of all videos are here.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-21 21:24:36
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: MX-184 Black Venus vs Luke (domination rules) Release date: 18/Jan/2020
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Domination Rules
Domination rules return! Black Venus (stats) destroys Luke under butt and her feet in this competitive limited-ruleset match.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-19 00:33:32
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: NC-192 Ashley Wildcat vs Peter (onslaught) Release date: 16/Jan/2020
Type: Non-competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Onslaught
Ashley shows why she is one of the best wrestle-dommes of today’s session scene.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-16 21:45:20
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: MX-183 Pamela vs Luke Release date: 14/Jan/2020
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
The Russian-Italian session sensation, Pamela (stats), squares off against Fight Pulse regular, Luke (stats), in a competitive match.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-14 22:10:26
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: FW-133 Lia Labowe vs Virginia Release date: 11/Jan/2020
Type: Competitive Female Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Lia Labowe (stats) squares off against Virginia (stats) in a battle to remember.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-11 23:59:59
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: MX-182 Rage vs Mike (humiliation finish) Release date: 09/Jan/2020
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
One of the most ruthless Rage victories. A must-see for fans of genuine female physical and mental domination on the mats.
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-10 00:44:52
Poll Results:
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Title: MX-181 Sheena vs Peter (onslaught) Release date: 07/Jan/2020
Type: Competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Onslaught
Every once in a while we witness something that needs to be made public as soon as possible, disregarding the current match reserve or release schedule. This is without a doubt one of the best MX titles as well as onslaughts we have ever filmed. The Hungarian Amazon, Sheena (stats), is back with a bang! Get ready!
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-07 22:27:09
Poll Results:
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Title: NC-191 Anika’s Lethal Arms Release date: 04/Jan/2020
Type: Non-competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Arm Chokes
From the same customer that authored NC-171 comes another classic choke-fest, featuring the natural-born Amazon, 6′ 4″, Anika (stats).
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-04 19:43:33
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?
Title: NC-190 Kornelia vs Frank Release date: 02/Jan/2020
Type: Non-competitive Mixed Wrestling Rules: Pins & Submissions
Please welcome Kornelia (stats)!
This poll is closed! Poll activity:
Start date 2019-12-17 19:00:00
End date 2020-01-02 23:01:42
Poll Results:
How much do you anticipate this video?